Presentation: SCMLA 2017

Agential Composition: Intra-Active Pedagogy and Writing as an Onto-Epistemological Act


Cited in the presentation:

Writing as a Way of Being: Writing Instruction, Nonduality, and the Crisis of Sustainability / Robert Yagelski

Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning / Karen Barad

Mentioned in the Q&A:

Syllabus: Notes from an Accidental Professor / Lynda Barry

Intro and End Music:

Saturday Night / Ryan Anderson  88x31

One thought on “Presentation: SCMLA 2017

  1. Zowie! What a great way to end! And a great expression about the story of the class. (I didn’t listen to the Q & A.) Once I figured out that I really did know most of the big words (always have to call up intramurals and intercollegiate to confirm those prefixes) though not the big names, I was able to follow along with great interest and connection. I love this! I was continually wishing that I had a text in front of me (I’d rather have a text in front of me than a textual lobotomy) so that I could keep track of the thoughts and questions that were triggered throughout. For now, I want to affirm the evil of ALL duality and recommend Jane Tompkins’ little book My Life in School: What the Teacher Learned. I had coffee with her once when she was on the faculty at UIC when Steve was there. Very human, accessible, sociable person (like that particular book – well, it’s not sociable except that maybe it is when considered intra-actively) in contrast to her seemingly mean-spirited SOB of a spouse Stanley Fish. All for now. Thanks for putting this out here.


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